Logo Siat

Siat Spa is the market leader manufacturing company producing machines for packaging industry. With production site located in North of Italy it is affirmed as quality leader in the market segment related to taping equipment (automatic and semiautomatic), stretch wrappers, strapping machines, flexographic machines and tape dispensers. As a company based on innovation, we believe that our talents located all over the world, provide fresh ideas on how to best serve our customers. By listening to our customers and analysing their needs, we continuously set new and higher industry standards.


Copertina scheda prodotto “Bee Wrap” – gennaio 202
Copertina scheda prodotto “GT-Xtreme” – febbraio 2020
Scheda prodotto “Nastro-SB X5” – giugno 2021
Fotomontaggio immagine per pannello fotografico sala riunioni – gennaio 2020
Studio grafico allestimento parete interna “valori Siat” – gennaio 2020
Studio grafico logo ” 50° Anniversary Siat” – gennaio 2020
Impostazione grafica newsletter interna – luglio 2021
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